Deep from Hell, a story to tell
Laying tracks on asphalt
From street to strip
Making clutches slip
Hellion power for them all
Addiction to the friction
Chopping heads on all passes
Dragging ‘em down the line
Pressure builds from inside
Boosted twins for the masses
The turbo beast is unleashed
Kickin’ ass and taking no names
Its soul rises from the ground
Dead hooking with every pound
Compressed air shooting flames
One turbo works, but two yields hurt
Steaming ahead with traction
Quarter mile ahead of any blower
Turbocharged and taking over
Exhausted energy put into action
Coming to market, roots to target
A diabolical performance to sell
Spinning through with charge
Sinister force now at large
The deadly snail will not fail
Breaking necks with deadly hex
More horses to stay in lane
Raw power by design
Just send it down the line
Enough evil to torque frame
Give her hell, the crowd will yell
All the boost to last forever
With fiery lust to combust
Engine’s desire for the thrust
Hellion’s package will always deliver