


My journey as a poetic songwriter began after going through struggles in life and dealing with personal health issues. Going through melancholy and these experiences in life has been the catalyst for my newfound creativity and having a healthy outlet and inspiration in my recovery. I used to write poetry in my Elementary through High School years but then quit for 20+ years. It’s been very therapeutic for me to revisit my creative writing side. The crossover from writing poems into songwriting is a latent talent I never knew I had. It’s just been living in there for all these years and finally came out. I guess better late than never.


I’m also a classically-trained violinst and play piano and guitar. I’ve been playing the violin since I was 10 years old and discovered early on than I had an “ear” for music. I could hear a song on the radio or from a CD and then quickly replicate it instrumentally without any sheet music. I’m also very good at improvisation without given any melodies.


As result of my classical upbringing, I have a very diverse appreciation for all forms of music. If you were to look at my own Spotify playlist, you would see quite the myriad of different music sub-genres. Everything from movie soundtracks to Enya, Radiohead, Pink Floyd, Staind, 311, Armin van Buuren, Bob Marley, Ludacris, Sevendust, Vince Gill and Chris Cornell.


Many artists are forced to fit into a “bucket” to form a niche and brand recognition in a specific musical genre. I don’t believe in those limitations and many times a single song or lyrics can or should be used across many genres. Life experiences and story telling are universal I believe that applies to music. So I hope you appreciate the words and sentiment in my poems and how that translates into the music I produce. I want to inspire others to do the same and to get out on paper the emotions they feel, make their voice heard and be their own advocate in the songs of life.